Vue computed
Vue computed

So, this solution is more efficient even when computation must be performed. If a or b is changed, AB is called once and getAB several times. HasSelectedCity is recomputed from 'home',Įxport class HomeComponent extends GenericAnimationContainer a: number = b: number = c: number = 4 In our case, this would only re-run when the ToDoItems array changes. Computed Properties work similarly to methods, but only re-run when one of their dependencies changes. A better solution is to use Vue's computed properties. Take a look at this example: 'cities-page', For bigger apps, or when the expression is more complicated, that could cause a serious performance problem. This is terrible for performance because property is recomputed hundred of times on any change.

vue computed

Why you may ask? getter is just sugar syntax for function and it will be compiled to plain function, this means that it will be executed on every change detection check. Therefore, you reference a computed property just like you would a data property. When the Vue is instantiated, computed properties are converted into a property. Also, it caches the data until it changes. It means, they update and can be changed anytime.

vue computed

While this is already answered but I think this is not very good answer and users should not use getters as computed properties in angular. In a nutshell, computed properties are called computed value as well. Getting it to work as intended wasn’t too much trouble, but the resulting code felt a little off somehow. I was implementing drag and drop sorting for the tasks the app uses to track time and I chose for that based on a positive experience I had using it for another project. This particular issue dealt with Vue’s “most important feature”, computed properties - a statement that I tend to agree with and also one that made me write better code when working on version 2 of, my FOSS time tracking companion app. I was casually checking my inbox and read Michael Thiessen’s newsletter, one of my favorites when it comes to Vue. Coincidences happen sometimes and last night was one such occasion.

Vue computed